Five no-planting ideas to pretty up your garden

Often, when we want to give our garden a makeover, the first thing we do is invest in a whole load of plants, hoping they’ll give the space the transformation we desire. But, this can be costly, and unless you’ve carefully planned out which plants are going where, often once you arrive home from the garden centre with a car boot filled with new purchases, the garden can quickly become chaotic as you try to plant up your new finds.
A solution, then, is to refrain from reverting to new plants to improve the garden’s aesthetic, and instead choose other ways to give your garden a makeover. Something as simple as edging your lawn can instantly create a tidy look, or threading lighting through the trees gives a nighttime glow.
Read on for more inspiration…
Get gravelling
It’s amazing what a difference a bit of gravel can make to the overall aesthetic of your garden. A neat and tidy pathway can work wonders for giving your garden a bit of a spring clean - and that’s before you’ve even delved into weeding the borders. Our self-binding gravels are a really simple way to pave pathways and driveways, and give a polished finish whilst providing a hard wearing surface. Firmer than loose gravel, self-binding gravel compacts down to create a smooth surface, and is easy to maintain, too.
Paint perfect
Sometimes a fresh lick of paint is all you need to really give something a new lease of life. From fences to furniture and sheds to sun loungers, revitalising the wood or metal in your garden with a new hue is a cost effective and reasonably straightforward way to improve your garden’s appearance. If you really want to switch things up, then move away from plain wood or white, and add a splash of colour to your garden. Jewel tones are one of 2022’s biggest garden trends when it comes to flowers, so why not take inspiration by adding some vibrancy to your woodwork?
Aqua aesthetic
Adding a water feature to your garden creates a focal point, offers the opportunity to encourage wildlife to the garden and adds some tranquility to the space too. There’s plenty of different styles to choose from, depending on budget, space and of course, personal taste. From waterfalls to ponds, and fountains to contemporary water features, there’s sure to be a style to suit your garden. Bird baths are also back in vogue, so be bang on trend by adding one to your lawn and encourage your feathered friends to pay a visit.
Mulch makeovers
Mulching might not be the first thing that springs to mind when you’re thinking of ways to make your garden prettier, but hear us out. Mulch has many benefits, including conserving water and smothering weeds - so while it may not be the obvious choice for making the garden more attractive, it’s a great way to start. Adding mulch to your beds and borders will make them look instantly tidier, will help to keep the weeds at bay, and will also reduce the amount of watering you’ll need to do in the height of summer, which is surely a win?
Elegant edging
Orderly edges to your lawn can make a world of difference, and creating neat edges is easy, too. Use a half moon edger to cut the edges of your lawn, then mow the grass and trim any overhanging with long-handled edging shears.You can also use the shears to cut any grass that’s grown onto pathways, or if you prefer, use a sharp knife.